Can’t Stop Me…
Cancer can’t stop me…
Scratch that…it almost did a couple of times…
Months of being sick…many, many doctor’s appointments to get the official diagnosis of cancer and begin treatment…before it was even official cancer stopped me…
I was miserable…
Once diagnosed, cancer stopped me by taking all my time with doctor’s appointments and all my physical energy from the effects of chemo/radiation while continuing to work…
After I was told I was in remission, cancer stopped me emotionally…withdrawing for 3 years I tried to make sense of the person I became during and now after cancer…unrecognizable, to myself and others I floundered…the other people in my life didn’t know what to do with me…
I was lost…
It has only been a couple of years post ‘remission identity crisis’ and no longer do I let cancer have the power to stop me…
When I have to have a follow up scan and I am tempted to become anxious that the cancer has returned…cancer does not have the power to stop me…
When I get low grade fever at night, lose a couple of pounds without trying, or have a night where I wake up to sweat soaked sheets…I don’t automatically think ‘symptoms’…because, cancer does not have the power to stop me…
When I am tempted to stomp my feet, cry and scream because I have to meet my medical deductible every year for the rest of my life…I breath deep, remembering life and how cancer helped create the me that I am NOW and slowly breath out thankfulness…cancer can’t stop me…
What ever is stopping you now doesn’t have to continue past today…I believe that in my very core…it isn’t easy…admittedly, it took me 3 years, post remission, to stand up and start fighting back…and it was a FIGHT…whether you are fresh from your “cancer” or in year 5…I believe that you can stand up and fight back no longer letting it stop you…it will take work…you may need counseling, or to get back into community or church…maybe you need to start telling your story…there is such POWER in telling your story!
How can I support you in no longer being stopped? What would you like to see happen with The #discoverfreedomproject?
We would love to see you participate in The #discoverfreedomproject…click here to find out all the specifics (and to see all the photos that have been submitted) to participate and because you believe in The #discoverfreedomproject will you share it with your friends and family? This is the start of something powerful and EXTRAordinary…
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