Guest Post by: Connie Kottmann

matthew Connie Kottmann

Today’s post is another illustration… this one has a completely different feeling than last week’s, but it is just as powerful… the scene is winter… and the provision of the Father is evident… this has me reflecting on the Winters of my life…and how God’s provision was always there…even if I wasn’t always good at seeing it… as I shared yesterday I am feeling like I am currently in a bit of a Winter season of my life, and I am having trouble seeing Him… but I hear Him… I feel Him… and I know that He will provide… because He promises to… and my God is nothing if not FAITHFUL… “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” You are valuable… you don’t have to do ANYTHING to be loved by God… you do not have to labor in order to be called His Child… and you do not have to store up good deeds to exchange for His good gifts… Rest in that truth this weekend… Soak it up… That could look like a …Read more

This is How I Am Adjusting…

this is how I am adjusting

It is just over a month since beginning my new job and I have not had much of a chance to breath much less write… First things first… I like my new job…it is routine enough that I can learn to be really good at it, and it is different enough everyday that it isn’t at all boring… I am not adjusting well to the new routine…up at six and out the door at 6:30 I drive a little over a hour to work and back…after all that driving and a very full day of interaction with people, this introvert arrives home EXHAUSTED and ready to crash…there has also been a lot of snow, and ice resulting in more slow, and semi-dangerous drives home than I would like to remember. As much as I long to get things done in the evenings…mostly I come home, take a shower, and think about blogging, writing a card, reading, or being creative, all the while I am still sitting on the couch and just can’t get up… Every week I get a little bit better at incorporating something else… 9:30 is my ‘ideal’ bedtime and tonight I am seriously struggling to stay up …Read more

Guest Post By: Amy Vos McLeod

matthew Amy Vos McLeod

So excited to introduce you to Amy today…I asked her to do something Valentine’s related and I think this picture can speak to many…singles who need to trust HIM with their hearts…or anyone who has a burden they need to allow Him to take… I knew before I opened the picture it would speak to my heart…how could something names “Fly to Him Quickly” NOT give you goosebumps…ya’ll Amy is talented, vibrant, and currently illustrating a children’s book…she is going to live her DREAMS I just know it! The character depicted is named Blue Hart… Amy is a mama of two monkey’s by day and a children’s book illustrator by night. Living in Birmingham, AL She love everything geekery, but I wouldn’t call herself a nerd. That is a WHOLE different animal! You can find and follow Amy and her success at FoxMcLeodStudios and can reach out to her at   I just saw on her Facebook page that she is having an amazing deal where she will Custom-make cards, invitations and announcements! pdf/jpeg design $15. (printing extra)…so if you have an idea for a card, have a party coming up you need an invitation to and want to support a pretty amazing …Read more

Guest Post by: Katie Cline

matthew katie cline

Look to the Birds and Remember I didn’t doubt the greatness of God or what He could do; I just doubted that He’d move mightily in my life. I don’t know why that was my mindset, but it’s probably because I had been living in the land of disappointment. I had experienced some major letdowns over the past few years and had watched others that I love experience them as well. God is good, but I didn’t feel like I was seeing that in a personal way. A few months ago I knew that God was trying to teach me to expect Him. With an attitude, I said, “Fine, then show me where in Your Word it says that I’m supposed to expect You to act.” He led me to James 1:6-7 which says, “When you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.” From those verses, I knew He wanted me to expect Him to move, but I still had to work through my typical way of thinking. He kept bringing …Read more