Yesterday I finished my 2nd prescription of steroids…and today I am feeling the effects…a few days ago, I forgot to take a dose of the medicine and had a really scary time of not being able to stand and feeling really weak like I was going to faint…once I took the missed dosage I felt better and was OK for the next couple of days…Last night I took the last pill and today found me feeling weak, sore, and my neck feeling HUGE, hard, and tight (which doesn’t help breathing and swallowing)…sleeping today was sporadic, and I was ever aware of not feeling well…I’ve never felt this weak before, this evening, I had to get out in the middle of my shower because I couldn’t stand up…I feel like there is something really wrong, and as much as I am ready for surgery on Tuesday, I am not ready to find out what it is…I’m scared…I came to work tonight and am not sure that was the best choice but it isn’t like my job is one you can just NOT show up for…there are men here who can’t take care of themselves and if the person coming in the shift after me called an hour before they were to come in and said they weren’t I’d be really upset…no one wants to work a 36 hour shift…and missing a day is missing a day of pay and a half on the job I just got 28hrs cut from…there is no good choice….the women I work with are super supportive and I know that they will step up if I decide that I can’t work tomorrow night.I’ve not had a family doctor for the past year (I’ve gone to a place for prescriptions but never liked the nurse practitioner I always saw) so I have an appointment Monday morning to establish a family doctor…for the normal needs and also in hopes to help advocate or help me understand what may happen in the next few weeks. My ear nose and throat doctor does not have a good bedside manner and has not left me understanding what could be happening and he certainly hasn’t seemed to care about the tole this is taking on me physically. I’ve been told some things about him that confirm the way I’ve felt about him…but what do I care as long as he is good, right?
Amy {Design Intervention} said…you are in my prayers April – – – I know times are pretty tough right now – – praying you are able to hang on till Tuesday and that you get answers after your surgery!!