“At the Perfect Time…”

permission to find freedom from anxiety and depression
permission to find freedom from anxiety and depression
“Stay wide-awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God’s words; if help, let it be God’s hearty help. That way, God’s bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he’ll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time. Oh, yes! ” 1st Peter 4:7b-11 (msg) Since I stumbled upon this passage… it has grabbed my heart… I want it to saturate my mind… I long for it to be the song of my life… Can you imagine it? living a life in a world where we “love each other as if your life depended on it” just typing the words gives me a rush…an ideal for which to obtain… a desire… a desire…to get out the note-cards and spill my vulnerability out on the blank pages mailing them to those God has laid on my heart… a desire…to stop by a friends home and give …Read more
Friday November 4th was my one year remission birthday remember this? We celebrated low-key…I slept in…Mom made me a cake… it was chocolate cake with white icing…which took me back to Friday lunch in high school where the tray consistenced of Pizza, peaches, and chocolate cake with white icing…did anyone else have the same experience? I had a client session…We had dinner at Applebee’s…and a nice night relaxing at home…2015will be the year to have aPAR-TAY…Until then, I will give thanks for 1 year of beingCANCER FREELast year my thoughts on remission were less than comforting…I can’t say that I feel much differently today…every visit to the oncologist brings fear…the fear that my life can change without any notice…aside from the amazing undeserved grace and peace that God provides daily…the only thing that calms that fear is that I KNOW now I am strong enough to make it through…ever seen this quote? It is true… JoyAnne said…I celebrate my husband getting saved after many many years of prayer. Congrats April! heather said…Congratulations! I celebrate the beginnings of coming out of the cloud of moodiness & depression that has plagued me for the last year.Anonymous said…I celebrate making it through the hardest year of my academic career. Happy remission …Read more
I’ve been approved… to get my port removed…this will relieve me from having to go every 6 weeks to get it flushed and I won’t have to take Coumadin anymore so that cuts a medication…VERY EXCITING…the less cancer related things in my life the better…the other week I went in to get my port flushed…I found myself pretty emotional in the days before and after my appointment…having to go to the Cancer Center and sit in the chairs where I received chemo is just too much…I’d be happy to never go back…just writing about it sucks so I’m gonna stop… share said…((HUGS)) Callme anytime you need an ear! Glad you are able to get your port out!