Guest Post by: Nate Pruitt
“Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds.” Matthew 6:26
Now is the wrong time for me to write this post. My life is in constant disarray. Things that I had dedicated myself to for life are falling apart. I’ve been hurt more deeply than ever before, and it has been consistent and constant. Days open with more than enough troubles of their own. Life HURTS!
Now is the perfect time for me to write this post. My life is in constant disarray. Yet I know a God who hovers over the waters of chaos and disorder. My God doesn’t just dominate situations. Rather the loving Creator comes beside me and dwells in relationship. There is so much FREEDOM there! Freedom to cry and have God weep with you, freedom to ask God questions, and freedom to accept that peace and presence are sufficient answers.
My life doesn’t have to be close to perfect for me to know that my God’s love for me is perfect. In this I am freed to be careless in the care of God. Because my God CARES for me, way more than birds! (And I have it on good authority the Creator is quite fond of birds.)
All too often I have lost sight of this freedom. I have enslaved myself within the prisons of stress, worry, frustration, self-pity, and foolish desires. God gives us such great riches. We can have a party any time with God’s riches, but we don’t. Like the prodigal’s older brother we walk around feeling sorry for ourselves missing what is always there for us.
What we have should truly cause us to party every day. Even every day that is in constant disarray. Why? Because the gift that God gives IS GOD!
That’s right! God gives us God, and there’s nothing more we could possibly need. If we seek first the Kingdom, then we find the King. When we find the King we find we are heirs to all that is in the Kingdom. But when we seek first the things—we lose sight of God. In that moment we become slaves to these idols, even if they’re good things, because we think we need God PLUS something else. That very moment robs us of the fullness of life seeking God alone. Not first, but alone.
As it turns out, the best part of any of my days of disarray is that I get to recount the goodness of God. In those moments where I share the good things God is doing in the midst of my life of constant disarray I find my heart freed. To glorify God, in all things, to consider it all joy—that’s when our hearts become careless in the care of God. Because we know that God cares for us.
How could I pretend that God doesn’t care when through it all God remains present? God has never once abandoned me. Even when I dealt with the cheapest of the cheap shots life could offer—there was God. In fact, God often reminds me that I have yet to go through anything near as bad as God has faced, and God faces hardships on my behalf.
The Kingdom of God is present, present in the sacrificial love of the Savior, and available right now. There is where, like the birds, I soar. Even in constant disarray. Come. Fly with me—careless in the care of God!
Nate is also continuing his work as a published author with future titles coming in addition to Creative in God’s Image: Engaging the Creative Good which is currently available as a paperback as well as for Kindle and Nook .
Stay tuned to the blog for more information.
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