Guest Post by: Alanna Cathcart
“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? “
-Matthew 6:26Do we genuinely believe that God does what He says He will do?
Do we think He will come through and provide for our needs?
Most of us would say that we do. We trust Him and believe His word is true; but then we are tested in that. Maybe our bank account is low and we wonder how we will pay the next bill because another unexpected bill came up.
We begin to stress out and worry; and our faith wavers in the storm.
The truth is that God does provide for our needs.
The problem is that we want more.
When more doesn’t satisfy we want even more. And we sit back and consider that God might have lied to us. Why haven’t we received that promotion? Why can’t we get pregnant? Why can’t we buy a bigger house? Why did we get passed up on that job? And on and on.
We analyze life and we see unmet expectations.
We wonder if God meant what He said.
If I honestly look at my life I have to admit that He has provided for all of my needs even if it’s not the exact way I thought it should happen. If I don’t see that as truth then I must consider that I’m not doing my part.
Look at the birds. Are they sitting in their tree waiting?
Are they complaining that food isn’t being dropped from the sky?
They are working; gathering food and resources for themselves.
Sometimes we attempt to change the definition of God’s truth and believe He didn’t come through for us. We don’t have all that we want. We want more. Want and need very different. Not only do we want more.
We want more on our terms .
We are scared to give God a voice because we waver in our belief that He really does want the best for us.
What if we saw life for what it really is?
A huge blessing.
And instead of wondering if He will come through for us or believing that He hasn’t provided, let’s see and appreciate the things He has done for us. Let’s stop giving God limits. When we can see that He has given us what we need we can give Him room to bless us beyond that. More money and more stuff will never be enough. I need more of Him.
When I focus on the God who loves me and provides for me, fear and worry are no longer in control.
When I read Matthew 6:26 and wish what’s true for the birds is true for me, I am quickly reminded that it already is. He cares for me and provides for my every NEED. The rest of what He chooses to do in my life is an added blessing.
So my joy comes from knowing God and seeing Him keep His promises.
Anything in addition to that I can count as an extra blessing. And when I am stuck and feeling like I can’t do anything but worry, I pray the same words a father says to Jesus in Mark 9:24 when he’s asking for his son to be healed,
“Lord I believe; help me overcome my unbelief.”
Alanna is a wife, mother, and writer.
She writes honestly about life’s struggles as well as the beauty that comes from pain.
She believes that scars can tell stories and stories build community.
She blogs at