Day #1 The Call…Accepted…
Today marks the first day of a 24 day experiment…An experiment that takes a group of 2500 peoples, places them in sub-groups, and picks a one-on-one partner to encourage you in STARTing…
Click here to be directed to the book whose author created this experiment to PUNCH FEAR IN THE FACE, ESCAPE AVERAGE, and DO WORK THAT MATTERS…
Starting whatever it is in your life that you know needs doing but doesn’t get done…
My personal start goal is to blog every day, and begin creating a resource to assist people in supporting their friends and family who are sick or in the hospital.
While contemplating what to write about on this the first post of the challenge, I received a phone call…Now, I am not one who likes to talk on the phone, and I will often let unknown calls go to voice-mail just to see who it was and choose if I want to talk with them. This numbers looked vaguely familiar so I took a deep breath and said Hello!
What followed was my getting a job offer from an interview I attended almost a month ago…of course, I accepted and tomorrow will be finger-printed, and drug tested to start the process of getting background checks completed…The ideal start date will be the 29th in Nashville TN for a week of training…if the checks are not back in, I will not start until August 12th in the office (I suppose to learn until the next training)…so, please pray with me that all the paperwork is returned and I can start on the 29th…
The job is extremely similar to the job I just ended…I will work with families, in their homes, who are involved with DCS. The pay is exactly the same…it includes health benefits (just don’t know the cost yet, the last place I worked the employee’s portion to pay was mercifully low) 401K, raises at years one and two, as well as vacation and holiday time off…
It is time for bed…I am so grateful that I have a couple of weeks before the job starts…I completely believe that God knew my heart (previous blog post), and the state of it after my last job and was merciful in giving me some more time to recover and recoup…
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