By the Light of the Tree…
I am tired but it is almost 5 in the morning and I am still up…I tried going to bed earlier…as I laid there frustrated and awake I decided I may as well get up and get some things on my ‘to do’ list done…I’ve gotten some thank you and congratulation cards written, as well as finding a better way to store my Christmas cards (I’ve already got them for next year, they are AMAZING , and were free) so they don’t get messed up…and now I am watching ‘The Mentalist’ on line and typing up this post…I am hoping to get a couple of book reviews up or at least started…I am still VERY tired…I didn’t take my normal medication to help me sleep because I thought I was tired enough but my body being tired doesn’t close off my mind now does it…mom and I are doing the Advent reading at church in the morning…she has informed me she wants to do the short parts at the beginning and end, I think that means I get to light the candles while she is reading the scripture part…I hope I can get the lighter on (there always seems to be a problem with those no matter at what church you see an advent reading)…My throat is getting better…it still hurts to eat, but I am right now eating an apple and it is going down pretty well, so that is good news…I have been so hungry all this week…but I have to tell you that this is a diet that WILL get you results…get some radiation on your chest until it starts to hurt when you swallow and you can’t eat, and the weight just FALLS off…my friend who shall remain nameless said that she cannot ‘VALIDATE’ this form of dieting…and while I agree with her it is not the best way, it does work…I’ve lost at least six pounds this week, not that I can’t stand to lose a little a lot of weight, I just am not so fond of the way it is happening…all kidding aside, I am glad that my esophagus is healing and not SO much looking forward to resuming treatments on Monday, but I will, because that is what I do…I’ve also been really tired this week, but I think that is the side-effects of radiation…as well as a side-effect of the medication the doctor gave me for the crazy itching I’ve been having…I’d been taking Benadryl but it makes me really tired, so the doctor gave me a prescription that he said might make me less drowsy but (I think) not so much…and I’m still ITCHY ITCHY ITCHY…I had two actual doctors appointments this week…one with my oncologist who said that my blood work is keeping steady…he has finally freed me of steroids for the first time in MONTHS and MONTHS…so that exciting!!!! things are still not normal but he is going to keep a close eye on my blood work and we will go from there…and…one with an ENT…I have really sensitive hearing, and when things are really loud it sounds like I am hearing through a speaker that is distorted…and sometimes it can hurt…so the oncologist referred me to Dr. E…he said my ears look great, there is no fluid built up anywhere…he is sending me for a hearing test and will discuss the results with me at a later appointment…