Another Day..
Another morning spent waiting in the cancer center…I’ve been slow in writing this post so FYI this is about Friday…Blood work, a doctors appointment, and chemo was on the schedule…blood work, and the doctors appointment was accomplished…I finally got to see my REGULAR doctor (he was on vacation for a month) I missed him A LOT…he instills a lot more confidence than the other two doctors I saw while he was gone…I’m also not sure he would have done the same things they did…Dr. M also never makes me feel rushed…I feel like he would talk to me for an hour about things if that is what I needed and I REALLY appreciate that…He said that my liver enzymes were still too high and recommended postponing chemotherapy until Monday…I was a little disappointed…I mean I had already made arrangements for people to work for me this weekend…but I am thankful that my paycheck will reflect 6 days of work instead of 4…I decided to go ahead with taking Friday off because I’ve had a few late mornings with appointments and been tired and overwhelmed…it is hard keeping all these appointments and still being able to work full time…I’ve done it, will continue to, and will survive…but it can be exhausting especially when my body isn’t cooperating…One thing did get accomplished…WE GOT BLOOD FROM MY PORT…after over a month of not being able to get a blood return, they let some liquid sit in it for 30 min and when it was done, it worked…what a relief…it was stressful every time I went to get blood work it and it would end in my having to get stuck in the hand/arm…Today’s (Saturday) mail brought a great surprise…a 50 dollar rebate check from a pathologist’s office…what a blessing…it covers half of what I would have made if I would have worked Friday night…LOVE good mail!
Kimberly said…I love getting rebate checks in the mail! Keep up your chin. You’re doing great!Jam said…OHHH. money in any form is great when its going in your pocket instead of out. I know we dont know each other but I will keep you in my prayers. Think positve and never give up.lageodesign said…Hey there,Hang in there, you’re doing great! Things will get better if you believe in it…I think you are very brave just posting your experiences on the internet…Mad About Pink said…hello, I’m madaboutpink from sb. I really wish you all the best with your health.I’m sure that the main thing is to be positive and all will be better.thanks for sharing your exaperience, it will help others to cope.Loles said…Hi! I’m solsuny from Swap-bot I wish all the best with your health, I’ll visiting your blog often, I really like it!!My best wishes for you!!