Guest Post by: Jane Tuttle
Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?
The words of the fictional character, Hubbell Gardner*, came to mind as I read Matthew 6:26. In a way , he was like the country he lived in. Everything came too easily to him , but at least he knew it. Strange? Perhaps. But on further examination it’s not so strange.
While a bird may not store grain in a barn, the bird is industrious and uses everything that nature has provided. In some ways things come easily to the bird. Grains, the materials for building a nest, water, even protection from other birds and animals are naturally occurring. Yes, some of us provide food, water, and shelter for the birds, but these are an unexpected bonus. Because nature provides could it be everything came too easily?
People of faith, too, are industrious and work with what is provided and the truly industrious even multiple it. Hardships, disappointment and loss are part of life. Still the Lord provides. He provides in many ways: found money when you could really use some, a phone call from a distant friend, and hope that is found in community. A positive community encourages you to be the best you can be; doing the best you can with the information you have at that moment.
It’s easy to lose hope especially if you read the news, or compare yourself to others. Don’t be dragged into the negativity of life – see the opportunities that a challenge brings. See how you can improve your surroundings and build true community. Let things come easily to you. Be aware of that gift.
No one gets everything too easily, not even Hubbell Gardner – lasting love was just out of his reach. However, things can come easily if you are open to the experience. The trick is to recognize and seize the goodness in life, be thankful for it, and use it to bring hope to others.
Jane Tuttle is wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, daughter and friend.
She resides in Lawrence, Kansas.
You can find her on Twitter at @JaneATuttle
*The Hubbell Gardner character was played by Robert Redford in the 1973 movie The Way We Were.