Open for Business, A Give-a-Way…

I have been working hard on getting my ETSY store up and running and really launched it this week with the start of my Facebook page… I am excited to share it with you…the idea behind my shop is to include the postage on the card you purchase so you don’t even have to find a stamp when you are ready to send it… ALSO, shipping is always free on your orders…cause well, who doesn’t LOVE free shipping… it was a lot more work than I ever thought it would be…and I am so glad to be up and running…now, I just have to get better at taking product photos… In honor of opening the shop I am giving away; set of 4 cards… a Mother’s Day card for the mother of your choice… and a 10 dollar Starbuck’s gift card… “I love getting cards in the mail like a fat kid loves cake!” the answer I received when I asked for the feelings people experience when they get a handwritten card in the mail. Other responses were:“It is like sharing a cup of coffee.”“It is like a hug across the miles.”Postage paid (US forever stamp already on the envelopes) cards …Read more